Available paintings
The Katharina paintings are finding new homes almost as fast as they're getting painted. Keeping up with the demand is no joke, and snagging an original Katharina could be a bit of a race. Wanna up your chances? Easy, just sign up for ArtMail. You'll be one of the first to know when fresh paintings hit the scene.
Get ready to dive into it all – from the vibrant hues in the Fields of Poetry series to the hard-to-come-by gems in the Virtuoso collection. There is a great variety of color schemes, textures, and sizes to feast your eyes on. And here's the best part – it keeps expanding! New masterpieces join the collection, alongside the ones that found their forever homes.
Discover the name of the bold style, the significance of the Katharina name, and the reason behind the series. Explore the thin line between cottage-core and maximalist styles. Learn whether every painting indeed has its own poem and more.
Learn about the advantages that set acrylics apart. Discover the unique qualities that make acrylics and exceptional choice for art collectors seeking captivating and enduring pieces for their esteemed collections.
Be one of the firsts to know what's new, get a look behind the scenes and learn about the ways the Katharina's are made. Sign up for Katharina's ArtMail